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Welcome to St Mark's where our mission is
we're moving forward with God and reaching out to make Christ known
What are you looking for?
- What do we believe?
What is prayer?
What do we do? See overview, families and children, calendar, sustainability
What are we like? See us on YouTube
How to arrange a baptism, wedding, funeral or hire our hall
Contact us
VICAR: Rev Alison Newman Tel 01959 540482
PARISH OFFICE : Chris Reeks 01959 577816
Office in church hall. Office hours: Mon - Wed 09:30 to 12:00
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Miscellaneous News
There's a lot happening as we prepare to celebrate Easter.
Film nghts on Thursdays, during Lent starting 13 March until 10 April. Each film has a Christian theme
Passover Meal on Maundy Thursday 17 April (Need to book in advance)
Good Friday 18 April
In the morning there's Messy Church and All Age Worship
Good Fiday afternoon there's Reflections on the Cross
20 April Easter Sunday Celebration including an Easter Egg Hunt
St Georges Day Event Sat 26 April
A talk on Winston Churchill by one of our members who is a volunteeer at Chartwell
Details for all the above in our calendar
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Limited Mobility?
If you use a wheelchair, and especially if you are travelling alone, please contact the Parish Office before your visit so we can smooth your visit.
Our church building and integral church hall are step free internally. A unisex accessible WC is off the church hall entrance vestibule.
The path from our car park to the front doors of the church building has a couple of steps, which can be by passed by walking around the bell tower on grass. The car park door of the church building has a small step. A portable wheelchair ramp can be quickly fitted here. The entrance to the church hall is step free from the car park. The entrance to the hall cannot be opened from the outside, when the hall is not in use.
Difficulty Hearing?
The church building is fitted with a hearing aid loop.
Difficulty Seeing?
- How easy is it to read this website? We hope you find our choice of colours, text size and font suits you.
- We produce large print versions of the hymns, etc. for several people who attend church. Please contact Chris Reeks 01959 577816 in the Parish Office before you visit.
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Visit us
10 Church Road, Biggin Hill, TN16 3LB (Google Maps)
Use the journey planners at tfl.gov.uk or on Google Maps (link above)
Routes 246, 320, 464 and R2 pass the church building on Main Road.
If you are coming from the direction of Bromley or Orpington, leave the bus at Stop N, Lebanon Gardens (see photo).
This stop is in front of main entrance to the church
Route R8 stops on request anywhere in Church Road.
R2 and R8 do not run on Sundays.
Car parking
Church car park entrance is in Church Road.
Playing field car park is free. The entrance is opposite the church behind the swimming pool/library.
There is limited on-street parking.
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